What does the Shades Cahaba PTO do?


We use our time, talents and funds to help make Shades Cahaba Elementary School a better place for our teachers and students. We have one big fundraiser a year, the Winter Festival, and we use the money that we raise to purchase things for the school that will help improve the academic and physical environment for our teachers and students. A few of the things that the PTO has funded in recent years include:


* iPads, iTouches and Chromebooks for classroom use

* Books and e-books for the library
* Sound fields in the classrooms
* Playground equipment

* Track and Courtyard improvements
* Donations to each teacher for classroom supplies
* Gift cards for the teachers/staff birthdays
* Summer book project for English Learner students
* Yearbook gifts to the 5th graders each year
* Retirement gifts for teachers/staff
* Martin Luther King, Jr. Day community service projects
* Kindergarten Popsicle Party & New Family Dinner
* Spirit Day fun
* The “Ice Cream Fund” so all SCE children may enjoy ice cream on Fridays


Some things that we have given of our time to do:


* Help shelve books in the library
* Tutor kids (the PALS program)
* Organize the Owl Prowl, our annual fun run & fundraiser
* Read to our children’s classes
* Paint stage decorations for the musicals
* Organize and staff the Winter Festival, Grandpals Day and Teacher Appreciation Week
* Provide monthly lunches for the teachers/staff
*Set up PTO programs to educate parents on various topics


How can you help the Shades Cahaba PTO?

* Read to your child’s class

* Volunteer to be a Room Parent or for a PTO position
* Give 30 minutes a week to help a student who needs a little extra help with their reading (the PALS program)
* Help out at our various events: the Owl Prowl, Grandpals Day, The Winter Festival and Spirit Day
* Make a dish when it is your class’ turn for the teacher lounge lunch
* Attend PTO meetings and offer feedback
* Choose a child to sponsor from the Angel Tree at Christmas time
* Do your shopping at Homewood businesses
* Participate in the “Dining Out with Shades Cahaba” nights


We welcome new volunteers and we truly appreciate any assistance. 


 Labor Day (no school)
September 2
 Picture Day
September 5

Dine Out at Taco Mama

September 23

A percentage of proceeds during the day go back to Shades Cahaba! Also feel free to take it to go.

 Wear Yellow Day for "Think First..Are You Being Safe?"
September 27