The PTO helps our school purchase technology, programs and materials that are not in the budget. 


How it's done...

Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:



Treat yourself to a night off from the kitchen.  Local Homewood restaurants donate a portion of their profits to SCE on  

designated PTO Dine Out Nights once a month. Dates and Venues announced monthly. Be on the lookout in your PTO  

newsletter, social media, and meeting announcements



Shades Cahaba's one and only in-school fundraiser each February! Look forward to the a huge 

school-wide carnival, silent auction, community corporate sponsors and food vendors! All hands are

on deck with this family fun event led by dedicated parent  volunteers!



 Support our kids as they race to raise money for their school.

Thanks for all you do to make our school great!



Thursday, January 9: Duty Free Lunch
Thursday, January 9 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.: Homewood Connected of Safe & Healthy Homewood is hosting an event led by Connor Coskery at Little Professor to discuss the book The Anxious Generation 
Anytime between now through Friday, January 17: please send in toiletry items with your child for the MLK, Jr. House Service Project:
Friday, January 17: save the date for SCE's Second Annual Family Bingo Night! Time and location at the school to be announced soon.
Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--no school
Thursday, January 23The Community Town Hall Meeting to discuss the long-range school facilities planning process will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Homewood Middle School
Looking ahead to Winter Festival! Save the date for Saturday, February 22 from 12-4:00 p.m. Parent's one hour shifts will be assigned soon, so please note the date, and be on the lookout for family sponsorship and ticket information coming soon!