Welcome to the Shades Cahaba PTO
We use our time, talents and funds to help make Shades Cahaba Elementary School a better place for our teachers and students!
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The PTO is a self-funded charity with a foremost goal of supporting classroom teachers and expanding learning opportunities for all students.
PTO has recently supported projects such as:
- Biannual monetary support for each classroom at Shades Cahaba
- Teacher grant requests and professional development for faculty and staff
- Angel Fund to support Shades Cahaba families with monetary needs
- Organize and volunteer at Owl Prowl, MyPals Day and Winter Festival
- Teacher and staff birthday gifts and lunches
- Serve as room parents
- And much more!
We love SCE
Help us support our school today!
Thursday, January 9: Duty Free Lunch
Thursday, January 9 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.: Homewood Connected of Safe & Healthy Homewood is hosting an event led by Connor Coskery at Little Professor to discuss the book The Anxious Generation
Anytime between now through Friday, January 17: please send in toiletry items with your child for the MLK, Jr. House Service Project:
Friday, January 17: save the date for SCE's Second Annual Family Bingo Night! Time and location at the school to be announced soon.
Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--no school
Thursday, January 23: The Community Town Hall Meeting to discuss the long-range school facilities planning process will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Homewood Middle School.
Looking ahead to Winter Festival! Save the date for Saturday, February 22 from 12-4:00 p.m. Parent's one hour shifts will be assigned soon, so please note the date, and be on the lookout for family sponsorship and ticket information coming soon!