Welcome to the Shades Cahaba PTO 

We use our time, talents and funds to help make Shades Cahaba Elementary School a better place for our teachers and students!

The PTO is a self-funded charity with a foremost goal of supporting classroom teachers and expanding learning opportunities for all students. 

PTO has recently supported projects such as: 

  • Biannual monetary support for each classroom at Shades Cahaba
  • Teacher grant requests and professional development for faculty and staff
  • Angel Fund to support Shades Cahaba families with monetary needs
  • Organize and volunteer at Owl Prowl, MyPals Day and Winter Festival
  • Teacher and staff birthday gifts and lunches
  • Serve as room parents
  • And much more! 

  We love SCE 

Help us support our school today!


 Owl Prowl T-Shirt Order Deadline
October 1
 Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 7-10

Fall Break

October 11-14


PTO Hospitality Meal

October 17


Report Cards Come Home

October 18


Owl Prowl Fundraising Deadline

October 18


Slay Day

October 18


PTO Dine Out at Homewood Bagel

October 19 

A percentage of proceeds during the day go back to Shades Cahaba! Also feel free to take it to go.

Owl Prowl
October 20, 2 p.m.
50th Day of School
 October 21
PTO Meeting
October 21, 11:30 a.m.
Flicks on the Field Family Movie Night
October 25